Saturday, May 10, 2014

So what is Trending that its posted?


So I get online to go see what’s news that might be interesting, remember we still broadcast , just now straight over the air , not yet back online.

So I see that Reese Witherspoon is in the TRENDING section of my Yahoo, home page. So I click on it thinking some big new movie is coming that she’s in or something, but all it is , is a slim old news bio and nothing new. Question, what the hell does Trending mean? Must be something that is secret, cuzz I ain’t seen nothing very often that is so called important and so called Trending.

Haven’t heard nothing from Talon, or anybody, probably wont for a few days. Much of this will still be done by me for you, and those of you that need me to. I just wish once some other club member would jump in or at least help with the heavy lifting. Granted not all our members are broadcasters , actors or such, but a bit of just feature gathering would help. I heard something the other night on KUTV –2 News, my hasn’t a few there gotten chubby, anyway, thing was about not too many exiting college grads or about to be grads are not signing up for Summer internships. It was something to the idea they’d rather hustle at McDonalds rather than learn pro skills to gain a career rather than a job. I suppose that’s accurate enuff since summer for me as a kid meant working on a 300 acre ranch, during the day, studying at night, long before computers, ya’ll had to actually read the text books. If it wasn’t that my butt was studying for my Marine ROTC exams.

Then there is the domestic situation here at the Wolf’s Den. My new roomy, and I are not jiving too well.

Thing is if I give him the boot, I might miss the extra on rent next month, but so far he hasn’t paid much only $330.00 of a $500.00 bill. Plus he wont even do simple chores. Like taking out the trash, doing dishes or preytell, cleaning the head. So I get this inquiry from some Michael guy, who says he’s interested. Fine, says he has the $500.00, can bring that by anytime. Okay, needed my landline number again okay, but I went to answer him back, a big yellow warning pops up. Meaning it might be a fraudster,. Not saying he is, as green proves things, but does make me think.

Watched two great movies preve eve. Man of Steel, and another one. Both kept my attention. What is it ratings sweeps and HBO is breaking out the good movies? That’ll be cool.

Much to do, so I’ll close.

TTYL8R Aviators,

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Quote of the Day:
The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.
--John Kenneth Galbraith
Matthew 18:15“[Dealing With Sin in the Church] “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over.”

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