Friday, May 9, 2014

This time we own the thing


This time we own the critter. Yes we are back to square one. Eli did us no favors and in fact set us back to mid October, before I got his app to be our engineer.

Be that as it may, I got in touch with an outfit in Orem, that handles such things, as web design , and has the muscle tech wise to get us back to where we were just last Sunday.

There’s a lot of blame to go around, mine for not digging into this Eli more before we hired him, Eli for leaving us at the lurch. But suffice to being that after this we’ll be running with a full site with all the bells and whistles, not only for HazzardAyre Radio, but the club as well as my personal three companies. This is going to heat up things even more. Having graphics ready to go on the site, video for the sites all of it.

The question I got from the one that hauled up here to Ogden last week was , was this a scam? Answer no, its just the idiot in the tech seat abandoned us. That said we’ll need talent, model and otherwise. From the pin ups to poster girls to on video TV ad and enthusiasts publications.

I am delegating authority pending document signing, Talon Blake as our creative engineer. That means he’ll be in charge of model/actress talent, photography and videography. But this will take two or three weeks to get done, but the talent will be needed even sooner than expected.

Okay then with that out of the way, as far as HazzardAyre and club duties, I’m stepping away from things for the weekend, having some brews, watching HBO, taking a shower and getting collected for the next round of battle here. I’ll be damned if Eli leaving is going to kill something myself and the club has been busting hump for, since 2010 . HazzardAyre has an important mission, educating a very ignorant and arrogant northern population of Southern culture and values. That mission is going to be increased with upcoming elections next year, as the CSA’s voice will be heard on Capitol Hill in Washington DC as well as EVERY state in the union. Ray is doing his best down in HotLanta, and I will be doing my best here, through HazzardAyre. The additional missions include, keeping those still flying in defense of this nation informed and entertained throughout the world. As such we’ll be taking out full page ads in Stars & Stripes. More over we’ll be here informing those here, properly discharged of benefits and information they need to transition from military life to civilian life. That’s the Ayre part of HazzardAyre.

With that out of the way, I went to both DWS as well as WMS today. I have asked this many times, and I don’t know if its because of the lower population or what, but getting public help, SNAP card, Medicaid etc is so much simpler there. You find a health provider that accepts Idaho Medicaid, take your card in and your seeing a doctor of whatever it is you need, and no co pays and far less wading through red tape. Not here in Utah, the right hands have no idea what the left hands are doing. I don’t know how many people this firm has killed due to restrictions of service but I’m going to find out. More over I’m getting the Weber County Commissioners involved as well as the Utah Attorney General and who ever is needed.

I’m not saying put the place out of business, but a good kick in their complacency might be and is needed.

You don’t keep someone suffering from Bipolar PTSD waiting for meds. Nor a diabetic from getting meds. People die. More over while I’m far from it some might have a bad happening while not being able to control anger and hurting or killing someone else.  These are real problems. I’m sure I’m not the only one going through this. I’m working to get outside media involved and looking into legal assistance here. Maybe filing a law suit even class action, might shake em up. I’m doing this not just for me, but every member of our Armed Forces that has to go through all of this just to get treatment. It’s just not right. This is just the kind of thing our organization is all about, to serve those who are serving and those who have served. The Dukes-of-Hazzard and even the MC thing, has in it Marine and Naval Aviators as members. As such its fun with the Dukes, but memorializing our Southern ancestors is one thing, helping our returning and currently serving Marine and Navy pilots is another, and that’s the other reason for HazzardAyre. More over, why there is this production for pin up girls, models, poster girls. Put in videos, taped and digital versions of HazzardAyre, and send these over to our aviators on ships and in hostile areas so that they may have something to bring them a smile or two, and just to say thanks.

You may never had to put on a uniform, sworn an oath to defend and protect, you may not even went through basic training and/or boot camp, but this is the way we can serve those as said that serve and have served.

In some ways this may sound like a one man crusade and in certain ways it is, its because as I had been on a bunk, at sea waiting flying orders, day after day, not getting much in the mail, a Hot Rod or Overdrive magazine was great, but I lost touch with life at home. I never knew of what mom nor dad nor the farm was doing. A care package with things from home meant a lot, especially a roll of my own toilet paper, things that me smell better than Jet fuel, and videos that others got I did not. I got depressed, and was not up to par. When I suffered my injuries and survived and got medically discharged in 2005, I decided that I would be the voice, ears, and eyes, of every Marine and Navy pilot that ever flew and wore those golden wings. The AyreWolvez was born out of my own aviation company name, and is the lightning rod, of the Hazzard Knytes-aka The Knytes-of-Anarchy. More on that on HazzardAyre the blog.

So if your one of our prospective models or such and wonder if your tiny hiney on a video is going to mean something or need motivation , just think of that lonely guy in a bunk, on some foreign shore or on a Navy Carrier , needing a smile, YOU can give em one.

That’s why HazzardAyre the website and HazzardAyre Radio is so important.

The site this time, this time its for real, and most importantly, this time we own the thing.

TTYL8R Aviators,

wynged sig AYRE TAG

Quote of the Day:
Keep your fears to yourself, but share your inspiration with others.
--Robert Louis Stevenson
Romans 8:1-2“[Life Through the Spirit] Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.”

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sweet ayre

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